Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Legion of Time-Sorcerers

The Legion of Time-Sorcerers
An Anciant, Elite Organization Of Temporal Wizard Warriors, With Paranormal Powers And Abilities, And Weaponds, That Seems Magical-Who Are The Gaurdians Of Time And Space, Throughout The Known Maveric Comic Universe.

The Time-Sorcerers Guild;
the Time-Sorcerers an ancient, elite organization of Temporal Wizard Warriors, with paranormal powers and abilities-such as telepathy-mind melding,voice manipulation,mind control,rapid data recall and retreaval,telekenesis,energy manipulation-pyrokenesis,cryokenesis,force field projection,quantum field projection,cosmic lightning, and weapons ,that seems magical.They are the guardians of time and space, throughout the known (Maveric Comic ) universe or multiverse.

Time Sorcerer Guild that controls actions of Legion of Time-Sorcerers-. The Time-Sorcerers Guild; The High Council of Time-Sorcerers, who act with the consent of the High Council of Elders or Lords of different Great House Clans or Houses-the Ruling Class, who run the government, with the consent of the Supreme Lords and Supreme Ladies of different Ancient or Elder Civilizations-who decide on many matters between the Great Imperial Houses or Imperial House Clans. House clans or House clan.

The Guild of Time-Sorcerers; Another name for the association of Temporal Wizards, who with common aims and common interests, who act on part of the Governing body they serve. Mostly upon the world of Genesis-Prime.
May the Faith of the Sarkhon guide your path.

Time Sorcerer’s mind melding or mind trick
A procedure known as a mind-meld –an ability of a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers that involves physical contact with a subject (though instances of mind-melds without contact have been seen), making it possible to share thoughts, experiences, memories, and knowledge with another individual.Some Mind melds have been used to erase memories and even replace them with false or distorted memories. Mind melds can also allow more than one mind to experience memories and sensations, and sometimes even interact with the memories..A highly trained Time-Sorcerer can sometimes use this mind meld or mind trick,at a close distance,by consentration upon a specific individual,altering that subjects mind or desired by sheer will power alone. Second Sense - Used within the Legion of Time-Sorcerers to sense the future, possible danger, a person's location, or the presence of an enemies presence.
The use of the mind meld is an extention of the Hypermentation ability,mixed use of a Guider Gem Headband and telepathy.
Force Sense - Used within the member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers to sense the future, possible danger, a person's location, or the presence of the Dark Side
Farsight-abilty to see beyond normal sight-the abilty of telepathic mind to the fly through space and perceive all around. This is a key ability, as it allows the user to see events over great distances that are occurring. This Second Seeing - Enhances the bearer's visual and spatial perception even in the dark or behind walls near by or at far distances,
Psychometry - The mental technique of picking up impressions and traces of information about the object touched and the events that have surrounded it.
Precognition - Certain devotees of the Cosmic Elemental Forces are gifted in the ability to sense extreme danger however subtle it is, and receive ample warning to defend against the threat

Telekinesis - This ability is used to lift objects and move them, including the wielder and enemies, in a desired direction.With this a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers can either push or pull with their Telekinetic abilities to pull or push objects away, as well as enemies.
Force Leap/Jump - Uses the Cosmic Elemental Forces to augment the user's natural leaping ability
Burst of Speed - Makes the user able to maintain sprinting speeds (even moving in awkward directions like backwards) for as long as the effect lasts.
Force Sense - Used within the Legion of Time-Sorcerers to sense the future, possible danger, a person's location, or the presence of the other member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers.
Farsight-abilty to see beyond normal sight-the abilty of telepathic mind to the fly through space and perceive all around. This is a key ability, as it allows the user to see events over great distances that are occurring. This Second Seeing - Enhances the bearer's visual and spatial perception even in the dark or behind walls near by or at far distances,
Psychometry - The mental technique of picking up impressions and traces of information about the object touched and the events that have surrounded it.
Precognition - Certain devotees of the Cosmic Elemental Forces are gifted in the ability to sense extreme danger however subtle it is, and receive ample warning to defend against the threat
Cloak - Rarely ever used, this power channels the Cosmic Elemental Forces to bend light around the user, rendering him invisible to others.Often also used with sort of Chamelion chamouflage technology,such as Chamealion Suite or Armor
Battle Meditation - This power can influence the course of an entire battle, raising the morale of allies, and sapping the will to fight from enemies
Battlemind - Through the focus of this power, one's morale and fighting spirit is augmented
Energy Resistance - This power shields the user from various energy attacks, whether they are in the form of fire, electricity, etc.
Breath Control-the ability to control her metabolism, enabling her to actually stop breathing for a time, and thus resist poisonous gases.
Force Stealth - This versatile power can not only be used to mask one's physical presence, but also one's Cosmic Elemental Forces e presence.
Enhance Ability - The Cosmic Elemental Forces boosts the user's abilities, empowering his or her strength, dexterity, and endurance.
Empathy - The Cosmic Elemental Forces endows the user with the skill to read the thoughts and emotions of another being
Affect Mind or Persuasion - This power can confuse and persuade others, making them bend to the user's will.
Revitalize - This ability is rarely used, but its payoffs are tremendous in potential, rekindling the life energies of fallen allies, bringing them barely back to consciousness
• Cure/Heal - The member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers Healer uses the Force to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly for a short duration. Initial levels require meditation, but greater aptitude usually grants faster regeneration, without need of meditation

Protection - A power generally only achieved by high-ranking member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers, Cosmic Elemental Force protection will make the bearer invulnerable to a wide range of physical weapons, energy weapons, and Cosmic Elemental Forces powers
Dissipate Energy (or Absorb)- The ability to disperse Force Cosmic Elemental Forces energy, and to even absorb or redirect it.
Force Blinding is a light side Cosmic Elemental Forces power. It emanates what appears as a blinding flash of energy, overloading the target's vision and causing temporary blindness
uses the power of the Cosmic Elemental Forces to temporarily stun, deactivate, or even destroy an enemy droid, or a group of droids concentrated in a relatively small area
This deadly Cosmic Elemental Forces ability lifts the opponent, whose body literally implodes as it is crushed inward by this power.This a paranormal power that often discouraged us of
Combustion - The ability to cause an object to explode through concentration
Projection - Creates an inanimate apparition that looks like the caster
Flight - The ability to levitate oneself with the
Mind Control - A more advanced, and more malicious, form of "Persuasion/Suggestion", allowing one to enter another's mind and control brain activity.
Neural Storm - This telepathic ability involved using psychic energy to overload a victim's neural network, causing extreme but momentary disorientation
Illusion - The ability to make animated apparitions not limited to the image of the wielder
Hibernation Trance - This is an ability of a Cosmic Elemental Forces user to go into a very deep hibernation state

A temporal Wizard,who travels in time and space,usually in an [[Atlantean Star Palice]] and often,not always located in an [[Atlantean Star Castle]] or an [[Atlantean Star Palice.]] or other similar Atlantean dwelling,such as an Atlantean Citadel]],Atlantean Mansion .See [[Legion of Time Sorcerer]].The members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers,have over the past eons since Early Interstellar Ages of Ancient Atlantis,have developed special paranormal abilities and specialized technology,either developed by the Atlantean and borrowed from one of their allied civilization,such as the [[Seraphians]],[[the Galaxians]],[[Sidaireans]] and so on.

Originally, the Legion of Time Sorcerers, were called the Legion of Space Sorcerers, before the ability of the Atlanteans developed time traveling star ships.

Such powers include being able to cast a shield around their bodies to absorb damage or contain atmosphere in hostile environments, hurl fireballs, generate [ holograms], [ cloak] themselves in [ invisibility], and establish real-time communication with another Technomage regardless of distance.

Time Sorcerer may choose to establish a "place of power" for themselves, such as a particular planet, residing within a branch of the family Star Citadel or Mansion or manor or within a star castle orbiting the planet... In doing so, they develop a strong connection with that place, and to some extent, a dependency on that connection.

{{Redirect| [[Legion of Time Sorcerers}}

The '''Force''' is a binding, [[Metaphysics metaphysical]] and [[Energy (esotericism)|ubiquitous power]] in the [[fictional universe]] of the [[Maveric Universe ]] created by [[George Lucas]]. Mentioned in , it is integral to all subsequent incarnations of ''[[Maveric Multiverse]]'', including the [[Maveric Expanded Universe|expanded universe]] of [[List of Maveric comic books|comic books]], [[List of Maveric- books|novels]], and [[Maveric computer and video games|video games]]. Within the franchise, it is the object of the [[Legion of Time Sorcerers]] and the [[Legion of Time Sorcerers]] [[monastic order]]s.


{{cquote|One of the audio sources Lipsett sampled for ''[[21-87]]'' was a conversation between artificial intelligence pioneer [[Warren Sturgis McCulloch|Warren S. McCulloch]] and [[Roman Kroitor]], a cinematographer who went on to develop [[IMAX]]. In the face of McCulloch's arguments that living beings are nothing but highly complex machines, Kroitor insists that there is something more: "Many people feel that in the contemplation of nature and in communication with other living things, they become aware of some kind of force, or something, behind this apparent mask which we see in front of us, and they call it [[God]]."

When asked if this was the source of "the Force," Lucas confirms that his use of the term in was "an echo of that phrase in ''[[21-87]]''." The idea behind it, however, was universal: "Similar phrases have been used extensively by many different people for the last 13,000 years to describe the 'life force,'" he says.


In ', some references to the Force also include ", revealing to that he is her brother, by stating "The Force runs strong in my family", and saying,


In [, the Force is first described by as an energy field created by all living things, that surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the together."The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." Throughout the series, characters exhibit various [[Force power|powers]] that rely on the Force.

The Force has a ", which feeds off emotions such as anger, jealousy, fear, and hate, whereas the use the Force only for peaceful purposes.

===Midi-chlorians and the Chosen One===

Midi-chlorians (also spelled "midi-clorians" or "midichlorians") are a [[microorganism]] in the fictional ''[[, first mentioned in '. They are microscopic life-forms that reside within the cells of all living things and communicate with the Force.< in : "Midi-chlorians are a microscopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicate with the Force. ... Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to you, telling you the will of the Force."< They are [[symbiosis|symbionts]] with all other living things and without them [[life]] could not exist. The have learned how to listen to and coordinate the midi-chlorians. While every living being thus has a connection to the Force, one must have a high enough concentration of midi-chlorians in one's [[cell (biology)|cells]] in order to be a ..the reading's off the chart... over twenty thousand. Even doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high!" Later, at a Jedi Council meeting, [[Mace Windu]]: "His cells contain a high concentration of midi-chlorians." "The Force is strong with him."

The word "midi-chlorian" appears to be a [[portmanteau]] of "[[mitochondrion|'''''mito'''''chond'''''rion''''']]" and "[[chloroplast|'''''chlor'''''oplast]]", two [[organelle]]s found in real cells and thought to have evolved from [[bacteria]] as [[endosymbiont]]s inside other cells, as purported in the [[endosymbiotic theory]]. Creator George Lucas says that the midi-chlorians are based on the endosymbiotic theory (

An ancient prophecy foretold the appearance of a [[chosen one]] imbued with a high concentration of midi-chlorians, strong with the Force, and destined to alter it forever. was believed by many to be the chosen one. He had the highest concentration of midi-chlorians the Council had ever seen. He was possibly conceived by the midi-chlorians; was [[conceive]]d without the assistance of a male. Lucas has said in interviews that had the same total midi-chlorian count that Anakin did at birth, though this does not necessarily make him the chosen one because did exactly what the prophecy foretold by coming back from the Dark Side and destroying Emperor

Palpatine tells that a had the ability to use the Dark Side to influence midi-chlorians to create life and to prevent people from dying.

===Force abilities {{Anchor|Force abilities}}===

Jedi Master [] holds a senatorial platform aloft in '

The Force can enhance natural physical and mental abilities, including strength (such as during a "Force jump" or to slow a fall from an otherwise dangerous height) and accuracy (as when [[]] was able to launch [[proton torpedo]]es into a two-meter-wide thermal exhaust port on the i). A number of other force powers are demonstrated in the film series including [[telekinesis]], [[telepathy]], enhanced [[empathy]] and [[precognition]]. The were also able to influence and control the minds of others by making use of the mind trick. The use an ability called ''Force Lightning'' which is a lightning-like attack using the Force (as demonstrated by]] in '' The Force also gives enhanced skills in lightsaber combat.

The term "Force power" originated in the '. Later, it wI]]'', where they could be gained via a system of Force "points".

Within the a number of other powers have been demonstrated, such as the ability to heal or drain the life-force of others, increase resistance to attack, dissipate energy attacks and warp space.

===Disturbances in the Force===

Those (in the fictional realm) who possess the discipline and subtlety of mind to sense ''The Force'' often refer to ''disturbances in the force''; a condition when energy counter to the natural way of ''The Force'' (implicitly evil) is introduced into the closed system.

When the planet is destroyed in senses "a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced". In ''', tells that he has felt a disturbance in the Force upon realizing that poses a threat to him. In feels a disturbance in the Force when , enraged by death, slaughters a tribe of .

In can see through the Force that Obi Wan and Anakin will be forced to confront Count . He immediately orders a ship to take him to the scene of the duel in order to interrupt s plans and save th is seen to be visibly disturbed after the deaths of many in ''. He falls to his knees and grasps his chest, as if in pain himself; this shows the interconnected nature of the Force, especially its bond with the that were killed. In ' was able to sense through his interactions with the Force, and in ' were able to sense each other.


'''Force-sensitivity''' is a condition in the fictional ' where a life form possesses a natural connection to the Force. Though the Force flows through all life, with only rare exceptions (such as the , outright sensitivity to it is a more uncommon trait. Force-sensitivity is a trait established at birth, and is revealed in '' to be the product of [[midi-chlorians|midichlorians]], microscopic beings that exist [[symbiosis|symbiotically]] with other life forms, and allow the Force to flow through their hosts.

Cosmic Force-sensitivity is partly genetic, as the children of Sarkhon both have high Force-sensitivity themselves. It is also 'the will of the Force', as in the case of Anakin Skywalker himself. While potential for Force-sensitivity is established at birth, awareness, experience and training are necessary to harness the power of the Force. Yoda implies that this training is most effective in early childhood.

===Holo Ghost===

The first instance of a dead character communicating with a living character occurs soon after .





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With practice a members of the Legion of Time Sorcererscan cast a shield around their bodies to absorb damage or contain atmosphere in hostile environments. Isabelle was well known for her talent for shields.

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members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers used this power to make or break connections to their ships, staffs, places of power or other compatible technology.

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Time Sorcerers can hurl fireballs.

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This ability generates an invisible platform that can suspend items above the ground. With further abilities, mages can move and even ride on these platforms.

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members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers can generate holograms like s famous red-eyed, golden dragon or more complex holodemons, which can actually interact physically with their environment.

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'''Electron Incantation'''

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Through this technique, members of the Legion of Time Sorcererscan establish real-time communication with another members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers regardless of distance. While under the effect of this ability, the speakers consciousness is manifest within a sort of dreamscape in which time moves quickly enough for the participants to have whole conversations in the span of seconds. It is possible to establish contact with non-Technomages, but it is difficult.

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In the it is revealed that members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers use technology in question consists of bio-technological implants, and that the process of installing the implants and adjusting to them is excruciatingly painful. Eventually it is also revealed that the technology was supplied by the who originally had plans to turn them into warriors of chaos and destruction.

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Through the course of the uncover several energetic, primal abilities that underlie the conventional mage abilities and relate to their connection with the . These abilities include but are not limited to:

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members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers can cloak himself in exactly the manner the are able to cloak themselves. This spell underlies the mage's ability to create illusion.

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members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers can collapse parts of the universe into smaller universes, destroying them completely.

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'''Plasma Beam'''

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members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers can fire plasma beams from his body.

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'''Shadow Skin'''

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Underlying the mage's shield spells is a primal spell that can cover the mage in a skin similar to that covering vessels.

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'''Shadow Communication'''

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This spell was the only one of its type discovered bymembers of the Legion of Time Sorcerers and allows mages to intercept the communications sent to agents like '''Morden''' or the '''Drakh'''.

==== Superhuman intelligence ====
Intelligence far above that of a genius level.

Members of the Legion possessed super [[genius]]-level [[IQ|intelligence]] and an [[eidetic memory]] (average people from other worlds already had genius level intelligence—they learned [[calculus]] in the fifth grade). These enhanced mental capabilities were a direct result of his exposure to a yellow sun. Time Sorcerers also possessed the mental ability to screen out the enormous amount of information received by his enhanced senses and to focus on a single detail such as a particular voice or location.


The Legion Of Time-Sorcerers-An Anciant, Elite Organization Of Temporal Wizard Warriors, With Paranormal Powers And Abilities, who Weapons of high advanced technology or super science, that Seems Magical-Who Are The Gaurdians Of Time And Space, Throughout The Known Maveric Comic Universe

The Time-Sorcerers Guild;

The Time-Sorcerers An Ancient, Elite Organization Of Temporal Wizard Warriors, With Paranormal Powers And Abilities-Such As Telepathy-Mind Melding,Voice Manipulation,Mind Control,Rapid Data Recall And Retreaval,Telekenesis,Energy Manipulation-Pyrokenesis,Cryokenesis,Force Field Projection,Quantum Field Projection,Cosmic Lightning, And Weapons ,That Seems Magical.They Are The Guardians Of Time And Space, Throughout The Known (Maveric Comic ) Universe Or Multiverse.

Time Sorcerer Guild That Controls Actions Of Legion Of Time-Sorcerers-. The Time-Sorcerers Guild; The High Council Of Time-Sorcerers, Who Act With The Consent Of The High Council Of Elders Or Lords Of Different Great House Clans Or Houses-The Ruling Class, Who Run The Government, With The Consent Of The Supreme Lords And Supreme Ladies Of Different Ancient Or Elder Civilizations-Who Decide On Many Matters Between The Great Imperial Houses Or Imperial House Clans. House Clans Or House Clan.

The Guild Of Time-Sorcerers; Another Name For The Association Of Temporal Wizards, Who With Common Aims And Common Interests, Who Act On Part Of The Governing Body They Serve. Mostly Upon The World Of Genesis-Prime.

May The Faith Of The Sarkhon Guide Your Path.

Time Sorcerer’s Mind Melding Or Mind Trick

A Procedure Known As A Mind-Meld –An Ability Of A Member Of The Legion Of Time-Sorcerers That Involves Physical Contact With A Subject (Though Instances Of Mind-Melds Without Contact Have Been Seen), Making It Possible To Share Thoughts, Experiences, Memories, And Knowledge With Another Individual.Some Mind Melds Have Been Used To Erase Memories And Even Replace Them With False Or Distorted Memories. Mind Melds Can Also Allow More Than One Mind To Experience Memories And Sensations, And Sometimes Even Interact With The Memories..A Highly Trained Time-Sorcerer Can Sometimes Use This Mind Meld Or Mind Trick,At A Close Distance,By Consentration Upon A Specific Individual,Altering That Subjects Mind Or Desired By Sheer Will Power Alone. Second Sense - Used Within The Legion Of Time-Sorcerers To Sense The Future, Possible Danger, A Person's Location, Or The Presence Of An Enemies Presence.

The Use Of The Mind Meld Was

Force Sense - Used Within The Jedi Order To Sense The Future, Possible Danger, A Person's Location, Or The Presence Of The Dark Side

Farsight-Abilty To See Beyond Normal Sight-The Abilty Of Telepathic Mind To The Fly Through Space And Perceive All Around. This Is A Key Ability, As It Allows The User To See Events Over Great Distances That Are Occurring. This Second Seeing - Enhances The Bearer's Visual And Spatial Perception Even In The Dark Or Behind Walls Near By Or At Far Distances,

Psychometry - The Mental Technique Of Picking Up Impressions And Traces Of Information About The Object Touched And The Events That Have Surrounded It.

Precognition - Certain Devotees Of The Force Are Gifted In The Ability To Sense Extreme Danger However Subtle It Is, And Receive Ample Warning To Defend Against The Threat

Telekinesis - This Ability Is Used To Lift Objects And Move Them, Including The Wielder And Enemies, In A Desired Direction.With This A Member Of The Legion Of Time-Sorcerers Can Either Push Or Pull With Their Telekinetic Abilities To Pull Or Push Objects Away, As Well As Enemies.

Force Leap/Jump - Uses The Force To Augment The User's Natural Leaping Ability

Burst Of Speed - Makes The User Able To Maintain Sprinting Speeds (Even Moving In Awkward Directions Like Backwards) For As Long As The Effect Lasts.

Force Sense - Used Within The Jedi Order To Sense The Future, Possible Danger, A Person's Location, Or The Presence Of The Dark Side

Farsight-Abilty To See Beyond Normal Sight-The Abilty Of Telepathic Mind To The Fly Through Space And Perceive All Around. This Is A Key Ability, As It Allows The User To See Events Over Great Distances That Are Occurring. This Second Seeing - Enhances The Bearer's Visual And Spatial Perception Even In The Dark Or Behind Walls Near By Or At Far Distances,

Psychometry - The Mental Technique Of Picking Up Impressions And Traces Of Information About The Object Touched And The Events That Have Surrounded It.

Precognition - Certain Devotees Of The Force Are Gifted In The Ability To Sense Extreme Danger However Subtle It Is, And Receive Ample Warning To Defend Against The Threat

Cloak - Rarely Ever Used, This Power Channels The Force To Bend Light Around The User, Rendering Him Invisible To Others.

Battle Meditation - This Power Can Influence The Course Of An Entire Battle, Raising The Morale Of Allies, And Sapping The Will To Fight From Enemies

Battlemind - Through The Focus Of This Power, One's Morale And Fighting Spirit Is Augmented

Energy Resistance - This Power Shields The User From Various Energy Attacks, Whether They Are In The Form Of Fire, Electricity, Etc.

Breath Control-The Ability To Control Her Metabolism, Enabling Her To Actually Stop Breathing For A Time, And Thus Resist Poisonous Gases.

Force Stealth - This Versatile Power Can Not Only Be Used To Mask One's Physical Presence, But Also One's Force Presence.

Enhance Ability - The Force Boosts The User's Abilities, Empowering His Or Her Strength, Dexterity, And Endurance.

Empathy - The Force Endows The User With The Skill To Read The Thoughts And Emotions Of Another Being

Affect Mind Or Persuasion - This Power Can Confuse And Persuade Others, Making Them Bend To The User's Will.

Revitalize - This Ability Is Rarely Used, But Its Payoffs Are Tremendous In Potential, Rekindling The Life Energies Of Fallen Allies, Bringing Them Barely Back To Consciousness

Cure/Heal - The Jedi Healer Uses The Force To Accelerate The Natural Healing Process Rapidly For A Short Duration. Initial Levels Require Meditation, But Greater Aptitude Usually Grants Faster Regeneration, Without Need Of Meditation

Protection - A Power Generally Only Achieved By High-Ranking Jedi Masters, Force Protection Will Make The Bearer Invulnerable To A Wide Range Of Physical Weapons, Energy Weapons, And Force Powers

Dissipate Energy (Or Absorb)- The Ability To Disperse Force Energy, And To Even Absorb Or Redirect It.

Force Blinding Is A Light Side Force Power. It Emanates What Appears As A Blinding Flash Of Energy, Overloading The Target's Vision And Causing Temporary Blindness

Uses The Power Of The Force To Temporarily Stun, Deactivate, Or Even Destroy An Enemy Droid, Or A Group Of Droids Concentrated In A Relatively Small Area

This Deadly Force Ability Lifts The Opponent, Whose Body Literally Implodes As It Is Crushed Inward By This Power.

Combustion - The Ability To Cause An Object To Explode Through Concentration

Projection - Creates An Inanimate Apparition That Looks Like The Caster

Flight - The Ability To Levitate Oneself With The

Mind Control - A More Advanced, And More Malicious, Form Of "Persuasion/Suggestion", Allowing One To Enter Another's Mind And Control Brain Activity.

Neural Storm - This Telepathic Ability Involved Using Psychic Energy To Overload A Victim's Neural Network, Causing Extreme But Momentary Disorientation

Illusion - The Ability To Make Animated Apparitions Not Limited To The Image Of The Wielder

Hibernation Trance - This Is An Ability Of A Force User To Go Into A Very Deep Hibernation State

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The Primal Abilities of the Technomage Implants are as follows. Invisibility, Communion with the Shadows, Shadow Skin (a type of energy sheild), Destruction Sphere, and a type of energy blast.

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